
How to use IG Highlights for the W

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5 Ways to Engage Customers Using Instagram Highlights. Examples Included. 

Alright, Insta-gurus, let's talk about one of the platform's gems: Instagram Highlights. Beyond just adding sparkle to your profile, they can be powerful customer engagement tools.Not convinced? Let's jump right into it.1. Showcase User-Generated Content (UGC)The How: Collect tagged photos or stories of your happy customers using your products. With their permission, make a Highlight dedicated entirely to UGC.Real-Life Win: Fashion brands like Zara often spotlight their customers rocking their latest collection. It gives followers style inspiration and makes customers feel seen and valued.2. Offer Quick Tutorials or How-TosThe How: Create a series of short video clips or images that guide users through a process related to your product.Real-Life Win: Sephora frequently uses Highlights to give step-by-step makeup tutorials using specific products. It's not just showing off the product; it's teaching followers how to use it.3. Give Behind-the-Scenes PeeksThe How: Pull the curtain back a bit. Whether it's showcasing how a product is made, a day in the life at the office, or bloopers from a company event, give your followers a genuine look at your brand's life behind the grid.Real-Life Win: Ben & Jerry's often takes followers on virtual tours of their factories, diving into the ice cream-making process. It's a delightful, delicious peek into their world.4. Highlight Events or CampaignsThe How: Got a special campaign or event? Dedicate a Highlight to it, compiling key moments, announcements, or user participation.Real-Life Win: Red Bull is known for its thrilling events, from cliff diving to BMX races. They curate the best moments in Highlights, so even if you missed the live action, you get the adrenaline-packed recap.5. Promotions, Deals, and AnnouncementsThe How: Your top deals, new arrivals, or limited-time promotions can find a temporary or permanent home in your Highlights. Make it easy for followers to know what’s fresh and hot.Real-Life Win: Brands like Starbucks pop their seasonal promotions into Highlights. Missed that pumpkin spice announcement post in your feed? No worries; it's snug in their Highlights.Instagram Highlights are like the vibrant sticky notes on the fridge of your profile. 


Today's Challenge

When done right, Highlights are not just static icons but engaging stories waiting to be clicked. Happy highlighting.


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