
Are podcasts replacing blogs?


Soap brand, Life Buoy's ad turned a pug into a loaf of bread to stress the importance of using soap. "You eat what you touch." (Indonesia, 2009)


Should You Start a Podcast?

Word on the street is that podcasting is the new blogging.Let's be clear - we're not suggesting you ditch the blog just yet. If you're on the fence about a podcast, here are 5 benefits of starting one. 

  1. Connect with industry leaders: It's all about that network. A podcast serves as a great way to connect without that spammy cold email.

  2. Make content consumption easier: A podcast offers an easier way for folks to connect with your brand. Example: driving to work, on a lunch run, etc.

  3. Increase site traffic: Your podcast is searchable (if done right). This opens up a new opportunity for increased traffic. 

  4. Showcase your (brand) personality: Podcasts allow for a deeper brand connection with your audience. It's easy for words to get lost in translation. Audio is a whole new game.

  5. Easy to create: You can get a legit podcast up and running for less than $100. 


Today's Challenge

Do some digging on your competitors. Do they have podcasts? If so, what do you like? What don't you like? How can you standout with your own? 


Remember that part above about making your podcast searchable?Check out Rev. Rev's transcription service is perfect for interviews, content marketing, video production, and academic research. << TRY IT NOW >>