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What are you searching for?


Kraft took the power of strong bones to the extreme with a broken mousetrap. "With extra calcium for stronger bones." (United Arab Emirates, 2007)


Dive Deep into Search

We're diving into some SEO today. Don't worry. We'll give you the TLDR version. If you've been in the SEO world, you know there are 3 types of searches.  

  1. Navigational: You already know where you're going. ie - typing in 'Spotify' to Google.

  2. Transactional: You're ready to buy something, but not sure where. ie - 'buy a treadmill.' 

  3. Informational: You want to know more about something. ie - 'what's a meta tag?' 

Ok - so, how do you target these searches with your content?For transactional searches, a product page will do the trick. For informational searches, it's all about that long-form blog post. Navigational searches will naturally rank. 


Today's Challenge

Spend some time on this post. It'll give you more context on identifying searches and classifying the 'right' keywords. 


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