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Why you need to spend time on this platform


Orbit used crying animals to advertise its chewing gum. "Don't let lunch meet breakfast." (Israel, 2012)


Ramp Up Your LinkedIn Company Page

Stats time: LinkedIn has over 310 monthly active users and content creation increased 60% in 2020 on LinkedIn.If you wanna nerd out over more LI stats, click here. Hopefully, you have a company page on LinkedIn. If so, here are some content ideas to keep things fresh. 

  1. Share company news and updates: This offers a great way for your customers, employees, investors, and fans to keep tabs on your brand.

  2. Post open jobs and connect with potential employees: 3 people are hired every minute through LI. If you have any open positions - post 'em.

  3. Build community: Post interesting questions, behind-the-scenes information, and unique updates.

  4. Improve your SEO: LinkedIn pages rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). If you're looking to optimize your SEO - don't sleep on LI pages. 


Today's Challenge

Check out this ultimate guide to LinkedIn from Hubspot. 


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