
How to land in the the inbox πŸ“§


These Sharpie print ads pay homage to some famous logos. Tagline: "It all started with a Sharpie." 


Spam Land

Nothing worse than spending time on an email that never reaches the inbox.Email filters are a lot smarter these days. We see you 2005. The folks at Hubspot put together an extensive list of ways to avoid the spam filter.Whatever you do - don't do the following: 

  • Don't buy or rent email lists

  • Don't scrape sites for email addresses

  • Don't use all caps anywhere in your email or its subject line

  • Don't use exclamation points

  • Don't use video, Flash, or JavaScript within your email

  • Don't embed forms in your emails

  • Don't keyword stuff your email

  • Don't use huge images or a lot of images

  • Don't use spam trigger words

  • Don't include attachments to your emails

Next week - we'll feature things you should do when it comes to your email list.


Today's Challenge

On your next email send - look at the list above and don't do those things. πŸ˜‰


Mail-tester is great. Seriously. Before your next send, hit this site and send a test email. It'll give you a spammy score and some insights into better deliverability.<< TRY IT NOW >>