4-26-21 (copy 01)

Land in the Inbox...Part 2


Reuben’s Brews Hop Idol design by Top Hat.


Land in the InboxLast week, we featured a bunch of things you shouldn't do when it comes to email deliverability. As promised, here are things you should do to stay out of the spam folder.  Keep your email list current and clean: it only takes a few people to flag you as SPAM before you run into deliverability issues. Go through your list and clean it up. Re-engagement campaign: if your engagement is really low, try to re-engage your subs with an offer or coupon before you remove them completely.  Use double opt-in: this is a great practice to ensure a higher quality subscriber.  Address book ask: simple task here...ask your subs to add you to their email inbox address book on your welcome automation. Send from a familiar name: your subs should instantly recognize your name or brand - don't send from a generic account. Dive deeper here.


Today's Challenge

Clean your email list and send a re-engagement campaign. 


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