5-12-21 (copy 01)

How to write better copy...✍️


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Get Better at Copywriting

A well-rounded marketer should possess the ability to recognize and (even) write good copy. It's an overlooked skill set that goes a long way.In your spare time, try incorporating some of these tips from CopywritingCourse.com to get better at copywriting. 

  • Mental ad re-writing: We're bombarded with ads all day long. From Google ads to billboards and everything in between. Next time you see an ad, think about how you can make it better.

  • Start a swipe file: See an ad you like? Create a folder on your desktop and save your favorite ad screenshots.

  • State the benefits, not the features: Get in the habit of always featuring the benefits of your product or service. Too often, brands brag about the features and lose conversions as a result.

  • Less is more: You can always trim down your copy. Think about giving the most information in as few words as possible. 

  • Handwrite famous ads: You read that right. This process helps your brain to 'feel' what it's like to write out good copy. Find some famous ads and bust out the pen and paper.

  • Push the boundaries: Stop playing it so safe. Good copy gets your point across but also keeps the reader engaged. 

  • Read your copy out loud: Whatever you do, don't skip this step. Read your copy out loud. If you wanna step it up, even more, record yourself on your phone and play it back.


Today's Challenge

Try incorporating some of the tips above into your daily routine. Even if your job doesn't require you to write any copy, it doesn't hurt to practice.


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