
Asking customers for feedback...


Don't go off track by VW. 


Create Customer Feedback Forms that Work

Everyone and their mom will tell you that you need to listen to your customers. But, how do you do it?Answer: Create a customer feedback form. There's a good chance you're sending (or have sent) a customer satisfaction survey or a user experience questionnaire.Whatever you're sending, here are some best practices.

  1. Keep it short: Nobody wants to spend minutes on end filling out a customer survey. A great way to keep it short is to use conditional logic. Sidenote: we're big fans of Typeform for this. 

  2. Keep it simple: Don't overthink your questions and whatever you do, don't ask leading questions. Just focus on simple and concise language. 

  3. User experience: Don't make your customer go through hoops to get to your form. Make it one simple click to get there and submit. We recommend testing the flow before you send.

  4. Consistent rating scales: If you're asking your customers to rate multiple questions, make sure you keep your rating scale the same. ie: Rate this experience from 1-5. Don't change the scale from 1-10 on the next question.Dive deeper here.


Today's Challenge

When's the last time you sent a customer feedback survey? If you're not using them already, consider adding them to your workflow. 


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