
We're all jacked up...


“Jacked Up” Double IPA can art for Hobbs Brewing Co by Top Hat


Understand Header TagsLet's talk about header tags for a hot second. Whether you use them or not, it never hurts to be able to talk shop.'Header tags are used to separate headings and subheadings on a webpage. They rank in order of importance, from H1 to H6, with H1s usually being the title. Header tags improve the readability and SEO of a webpage.'Alright, so how do you use 'em?  H1 tag: The H1 is the most important. Use H1 tags for your post/page title and keep it keyword-centric. The search engines bots use your H1 tag as a critical ranking factor. H2 tag: Think of H2 tags as the chapters of your book. They should logically subdivide your content. H3 tag: 'These are subsections that clarify the points made in the H2 further. Alternatively, they can be used in formatting lists or bullet points.' H4 and beyond tag: H4, H5, and H6 tags help you organize your content even more. If your page/post is really complex, you may find yourself using H4 and beyond tags.So, why are header tags important?When you use header tags, you're basically saying, 'Hey, Google, my text is important.' Once crawled, Google will determine the context of your page and serve results accordingly.  


Today's Challenge

Spend some time honing in on your header tag skills by checking out this in-depth article by the folks at Hubspot. 


Simple Todo is a customizable replacement for the browser's new tab page. It keeps everything right in the browser.  

  • Manage todo items across three predefined lists

  • Dark mode

  • Configurable color schemes

  • Background images from Unsplash