
Social media going up on a Thursday...


Nivea. Notice anything? 


Check Out These Social Media Stats

We're gonna throw some numbers at you today.Why?So you can see the shift in the social media landscape and act accordingly. The following data was conducted by Edison, one of the most respected research organizations in the game. 

  • Social media usage is up: No brainer there, right? Over 233 million people use social media in the US.

  • Facebook: *Among Americans 12-34 years old, Facebook usage declined from 79% of that group in 2017 to 57% today.

  • Snapchat: Usage decreased from a previously stable 62% to 55%.*

  • Twitter: Twitter is down from 36% to 34% and increased from last year at 29%.*

  • Pinterest and LinkedIn: Pinterest and Linkedin are the same as they were in 2017 at 36% and 23% respectively, after recovering from a slight percentage drop in the last year or two.*

  • Instagram: Up from 66% to 70% in the past two years.*

  • TikTok: Became popular in 2020 with about 25% usage and only continued to soar in 2021 up to 44% usage.

  • Facebook growing: The only demographic that saw an increase in users was the 55 and older age group. Every other age group saw a decline.


Today's Challenge

Check out the entire report here. 


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