
Swipe up, please...


Hobbs Okfoberfest artwork by Top Hat.


Swipe Up Like a ChampLooking to drive more clicks and conversions from your Instagram account?Can we get a 'hell ya?'It's all about the 'Swipe Up' feature. In order to utilize the swipe feature, you need to be a business account with 10k followers or be verified.Assuming you have the swipe feature, here are a few ways to utilize it. Share blog posts: Design a simple graphic for IG stories with the title of your blog post with a CTA. Post product: Take advantagee of an IG built-in feature and create a collage of your products or services. You can also link your products using 'Instagram Shopping.' Videos: Whether you're posting to IGTV, YouTube or Facebook, don't forget to post a highlight reel of your latest video to IG stories. It's a great way to drive more views. Lead magnets: Trying to grow your email list? Send followers to a lead magnet page and push a download for an email. Promote landing pages Virtual eventsWhen it comes to increasing swipe ups, don't forget to feature a CTA, GIFs, and arrows. Lastly and most importantly, post often. Dive deeper here. 


Today's Challenge

If you have access to the SWIPE UP feature, spend some time looking at your data. Which stories have driven the most swipe ups? 


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