
Here's how to step up your CTA game


Point, Penn.


Write a Better Call-to-Action (CTA)

Getting someone to take action after reading your post, ad, etc. is a true skill and a sign of a talented marketer.You can have all the right pieces in place...from a killer headline to an amazing article, but if it doesn't result in action, is it worth it? Here are a few principles for a strong CTA game. 

  • Before you determine what your CTA is, make sure you know what your goal is.

  • Keep your CTA above the fold: If visitors can't see your CTA before they start scrolling, you're doing it wrong.

  • Use the word 'Because': Don't just tell people to do something, tell them why they should do it. 

  • Add value: Example - Rather than just SHOP NOW, make it SHOP NOW and save 25%.

  • Create urgency: FOMO is real. Make your audience feel like they're missing out if they don't take action quickly.

  • Use social proof: Social proof in addition to a killer CTA is clutch. Why? Because social proof shows that you're not the only one tooting your horn. 


Today's Challenge

Compile a list of CTAs that stand out to you.


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