
It's been fun, but we're bouncing...


'Draws a Crowd.' This Jack Daniel's ad does a great job connecting the tagline with the imagery.


Reduce Your Bounce RateIf you're not familiar with 'Bounce Rate,' it refers to the percentage of visitors that leave your website (or “bounce” back to the search results or referring website) after viewing only one page on your site.If your bounce rate is really high, it's time to make some changes.Here are a few ways to reduce those bounces.  Increase your website speed: If your site is really slow, the likelihood of someone staying on it is really low. Make sure your pages load seamlessly.  Broad intent: The more broadly you can satisfy the user intent on a given page, the better you'll do with engagement (lowering your bounce rate). Use the right CTAs: 'The smartest way to improve your CTAs is to include the ranking keyword in the CTA itself.' For example...if someone is searching for 'credit report,' make your CTA; 'GET MY CREDIT REPORT' as opposed to ADD TO CART.  Good copy: Copy is key. Hook your visitor in by showing them what you're promising and then move into the juicy details.Check out a couple more tips here.


Today's Challenge

Check on your bounce rate in Google Analytics. The average industry bounce rate tends to be in the 60% range. Where do you fall?


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