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5 tips for a better morning...

It can't be all work and no play. Our Friday edition is all about getting your weekend started off right. We'll be back to the marketing first thing on Monday. Be sure to always enjoy responsibly. 


Why it’s nearly impossible to buy an original Bob Ross painting via The Hustle. Read it now.


Nail Your Morning Routine 

Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Nothing worse than being miserable all day long because of a rough wakeup.To kick things off in a positive way, try these early AM strategies... 

  • Link a wellness habit to an existing ritual: Drink coffee in the morning? Try adding on another habit like reading 10 pages of a book while you enjoy your morning joe.

  • Keep your phone out of your room: If you're reaching for your cell phone first thing in the morning, stop it. By doing so, you're letting the phone dictate your morning. Studies have linked frequent social media use to decreased mood over time

  • Talk to yourself: We all talk to ourselves. Use it to your advantage. Flip the switch and use your own name in self-talk. It'll work wonders on your mindset.

  • Incorporate gratitude: 'In research trials, people who journaled about the things they’re thankful for during the week scored much higher on measures of happiness than people who instead noted things they’d been irritated by.' TLDR - Take a pause in the AM and practice some gratitude. 


Today's Challenge

Give your morning routine a gut check. Can you incorporate anything above?


Turn your morning routine into a step-by-step guided audio flow with Autopilot.Use pre-loaded activities or create your own to build your perfect morning.<< TRY IT NOW >>