
What employers want from marketers...


The “Create” campaign for Lego that was inspired by Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam.


Master These 5 SkillsIt seems like every employer is wanting a scrappy, self-starter who can do a lot of things ridiculously well.With modern marketing constantly changing, it makes sense.So, if you're looking to be an 'ace-in-the-hole' for your current job or your next one, check out these 5 desirable skills.   Copywriting: Marketing is all about selling, so you better be able to write a dang good one-liner (or a few). You don't have to be the next David Ogilvy, but you'll need to understand the hook, persuasive copy and a strong CTA. Funnel building: If the funnel is foreign to you, study up. You'll need a solid understanding of the marketing funnel and creating content for each stage of it. Budget management: Ads aren't cheap. You must have a grasp on how to properly set up and optimize an ad campaign. There are a TON of resources on the interwebs. Metrics and analytics tracking: 'The trick is to know which metrics actually move the needle for your business.' We recommend a high level understanding of Google Analytics and Facebook Business Manager, so you can act accordingly with spend. Customer research: If you still think your ideal customer is 'everyone,' we need to talk. Companies want to know that you can identify the ideal customer for your product or service. Dive deeper here.


Today's Challenge

A.B.L.: Always Be Learning. Marketing will always be evolving. Even if you have a strong grasp on the above, make sure you're always learning.  


So, about that learning stuff above...We're big fans of Skillshare.There's a good chance you've heard of it, but if you're serious about ramping up your marketing skills, we can't recommend it enough.From learning Google Analytics to creating a real marketing budget, there's something for everyone.<< TRY IT NOW >>