
How to crush influencer marketing...

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4 Reasons Your Sales Are Suffering from Influencer Posts & How to Fix Them

So, you've carefully chosen an influencer, struck a fair deal, and eagerly anticipated the sales to pour in with their amazing post. But alas, the results fell short of your expectations. Don't worry, we've got your back...The truth is, influencer marketing isn't a guaranteed success—it's like dating, you need the right match. Your product might not be hitting the mark or the influencer's audience might not be as engaged as you thought. But hey, now's the time to turn things around and supercharge your strategy. 💪Here are 4 reasons brands miss the mark on influencer posts:1️⃣ Wrong Influencer? 

  • Picking the right influencer is everything. Don't get dazzled by surface details like follower count or a fancy feed. It's time to dig deeper. Quantitative research is key—check their engagement rates and die-hard fans. And don't forget qualitative research—do their followers genuinely engage and align with your brand's values? Quality content and an engaged audience are the winning combo.

2️⃣ Onboarding Woes? No More. 😫

  • Poor onboarding can be a buzzkill for your campaign. From confusion about promo codes to stifling their creativity, it's time to change the game. The solution? Create a comprehensive Influencer Onboarding Document. Give them all the deets they need without overwhelming them. Pro tip: SARAL's got your back. Store that document in SARAL's Resources section for easy access.

3️⃣ Radio Silence? 📢

  • Influencers not posting as much as you'd like? Time to shake things up. We like SARAL's nifty activation drip which keeps 'em excited and informed about your campaign. And don't forget those weekly doses of information to keep the fire burning. Show 'em successful posts from other ambassadors for inspiration.

4️⃣ Is It a Square Peg in a Round Hole? 

  • Sometimes, influencer marketing just isn't the right fit. Take a step back and evaluate. Check if other marketing channels are bringing in positive results. If yes, influencer marketing might not be your cup of tea. Remember, successful marketing requires a solid product-market fit. Without it, no amount of marketing magic will work.

Read the full post here.


Today's Challenge

Remember, it's all about finding the perfect match, rocking that onboarding process, boosting their activity, and ensuring a killer product-market fit. If you're serious about influencer marketing, we highly recommend the tool feature below. 


Your Ultimate Weapon for Influencer Marketing...Tired of the headache and hefty price tags of influencer marketing? Feels.SARAL has got your back, making it a breeze for brands like yours. Say goodbye to the complexities and hello to simplicity.Discover hidden gems among influencers, automate your outreach like a boss, effortlessly handle applications, ship products with ease, and track those glorious sales—all from one powerful platform.But wait, here's the best part: SARAL offers a free trial. That's right, you can dip your toes into the world of influencer marketing without spending a single dime upfront. No more excuses or procrastination. Seize this opportunity and level up your influencer marketing game. Don't miss out on the influencer marketing wave. Get started now and witness the magic unfold.<< TRY SARAL NOW >>

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