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Is it time to start a podcast?


Hobbs Brewing Jacked Up Double IPA


Don't Make These Podcast MistakesStudies have proven again and again that podcasts drive more engagement. 'In fact, a BBC study revealed that during branded podcasts, brand consideration is 57% higher and purchase intent is 14% higher for brand mentions than for surrounding content (the other topics being discussed).' Your podcast doesn't have to be a smashing success to convert your audience. It just has to speak to the right people about the right topics.Whether you're considering a podcast or already have one, DON'T do the following things...  Don't silo your podcast: Make sure to integrate your podcast into the rest of your marketing efforts for a seamless message.   Don't forget about podcast metrics: Downloads and subscribers are the most concrete podcast metrics you can look at but don't overlook subjective metrics like engagement, reviews, and general awareness.   Don't be afraid to tap your sales team: Your sales team is one of your most valued resources. Why? Because they're constantly interacting with your audience. From customer pain points to product feedback, your sales team can be a wealth of information as to the direction of your podcast efforts.  Don't focus solely on sponsorships: Too many brands start podcasts with the wrong goals in mind. While sponsorship is great, make sure to establish connections, educate your audience, and provide valuable insight. Dive deeper here.


Today's Challenge

If you're on the fence about starting a podcast, check out some of your competitors. What are they doing? What do you like? What don't you like?


Record remotely, simplify editing, and create engaging podcasts & videos with an intuitive platform that allows you to connect with anyone, anywhere.We give Squadcast.fm two thumbs up. It's about as easy as it comes for podcast recording and editing.<< TRY IT NOW >>