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4 Website Lead Gen TacticsWhen it comes to lead generation on your website, it all starts with one page; the homepage.Not only does your homepage set the tone for a good (or poor) user experience, it can also mean the difference between a lead and no lead(s).As you know, a good homepage should include a strong CTA and be A/B tested with a few different elements.Here are 4 tactics to consider outside of your homepage.  Opt-In forms and gated content: Gated content is all about capturing a lead. Consider a free trial or some type of relevant offer for users to see more of your content. Remember to keep your opt-in form short and sweet - name and email should suffice.  Chatbots for engagement: Chatbots offer a non-threatening first engagement with your users. If your chatbot is able to help a potential customer, there's a good chance you'll get a lead from it. Make sure you program your chatbot to sound as human as possible. SEO: With over 3 billion searches a day on Google, you'd be foolish not to rely on SEO tactics. While the days of keyword stuffing are long gone, don't sleep on quality, relevant content that’s updated regularly. It may take some time, but it'll make a difference.  Referral system: How much is a lead worth to you? Some companies offer a discount to previous customers for coughing up a friend's email address. Do keep a close eye on your referrals though as some may be low-quality leads.Dive deeper here. 


Today's Challenge

Start with your homepage. Do you have a strong CTA? Are there any elements that are unnecessary? 


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