
Don't stop me now...


Air pollution awareness campaign.


Establish Social GoalsWe see it all too often...Brands posting on social media with no objective or goal in mind.This typically leads to zero traction and in most cases, a waste of time.If your social is in need of a re-boot, we recommend establishing a clear goal.Here are some ideas:  Drive website traffic Raise brand awareness Boost brand engagement Generate new leads Nurture leads Build a community around your business Establish authority and industry expertise Provide customer support Track and understand competitors Once you establish a goal, make sure you tie it to some type of key result. For example - if your trying to increase brand engagement, your objective could be to increase likes and comments by 30% for Q2. Having a clear goal in mind with your social will make your job (and others) a lot easier.Dive deeper here


Today's Challenge

Revisit your goals for social. Is your content speaking to said goals?


This social media plan by Sprout Social was created to help social marketers refine their strategies.Their goal is to provide you with actionable steps to transform your social marketing strategies to help you create content that is purposeful, engaging, and ultimately delivers real business results.<< TRY IT NOW >>