
The Netflix of Marketing...


Marshall Headphones.


Focus on the Customer

Let’s face it - marketing can be tricky, especially if your world is centered around metrics. Don’t get us wrong, metrics are important. But when was the last time you asked yourself…“Am I doing this for my audience or am I doing this for metrics?”Unfortunately, we work in an industry that obsesses over gated content to grab data, blog posts written for keywords, low-quality lead capture forms...the list goes on. Don’t be like that.Here are 3 ways to focus on your customer and not the “me-centric” tactics:

  • Put yourself in the shoes of your content experience: If people are reaching for your content, reward them for it. Don’t make it impossible to access. Content is being shared everywhere. Make sure you’re always optimizing for the experience. 

  • Talk to your audience: This is such a simple, but overlooked tactic. If people are engaging with your content, slide into their DMs with some simple questions. “What do you like?” What would you like to see more of?” Use your audience. 

  • Write like a human: Your copy should come across like a conversation with a friend. Don’t write like a robot. Nobody likes that. 

Dive deeper here.


Today's Challenge

Step away from the metrics for a hot minute and try to apply some of the tactics above.


 The Netflix of marketing. The Juice is a free platform where sales and marketing pros can get all of the resources they need to crush it at work. Podcasts, guides, reports, ebooks. You name it. Here’s how The Juice can help you... 

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