
How to use InMail to drum up new biz...

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5 LinkedIn InMail Best Practices to Drum Up New Business 

Hey there, LinkedIn pros. Ready to unlock the potential of your InMail game and reel in some top-notch business prospects? Here are some best practices that'll supercharge your outreach efforts and lead you to new and exciting opportunities.So, let's get down to business...

  • Personalize, Personalize, Personalize: When it comes to InMails, one size doesn't fit all. Craft personalized messages that cater to each prospect's unique interests and pain points. Show them you've done your homework and genuinely care about what they do.

    • Example: "Hey [Prospect's Name], saw your recent article on 'x'-driven marketing strategies — mind-blowing stuff. I'd love to discuss how our solutions can complement your cutting-edge approach."

  • Be a Conversation Starter, Not a Sales Pitcher: Avoid the dreaded "salesy" tone. Instead, start a genuine conversation that adds value. Focus on building a connection, understanding their needs, and offering insights.

    • Example: "Hey [Prospect's Name], I've been following your work in the e-commerce space, and I'm fascinated by your innovative approach. How do you see AI reshaping the future of online retail?"

  • Timing is Key: Strike while the iron is hot. Reach out when your prospect has recently engaged with your content or shared a relevant post. Timing your InMail can significantly boost your chances of a response.

    • Example: "Hey [Prospect's Name], noticed you just checked out our latest webinar on data analytics. Curious to hear your thoughts and how we can take it a step further together."

  • Short and Sweet Wins the Race: In the fast-paced LinkedIn world, brevity is your best friend. Keep your InMail concise, captivating, and to the point. Nobody has time for a novel-length pitch.

    • Example: "Hey [Prospect's Name], we share a passion for sustainability. Our eco-friendly products can take your green initiatives to the next level. Let's discuss."

  • Don't Forget the Follow-up: Persistence pays off, but don't be a pest. If you don't receive an immediate response, follow up tactfully. A gentle nudge might be all it takes to reignite the conversation.

    • Example: "Hey [Prospect's Name], just circling back to see if my last message caught your eye. If you're open to exploring how we can boost your team's productivity, I'm all ears."

Now you're armed with five LinkedIn InMail best practices that will have your prospecting game soaring.


Today's Challenge

Remember, authenticity, personalization, and thoughtful follow-ups are the key ingredients to unlocking new business prospects on this powerful platform. Happy connecting.


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