
Marketing terms you should know...

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35 Marketing Terms You Should Know (if you don't already)

Look, the world of marketing is wild, right? It's like one day you're nailing the game and the next, everyone's throwing around terms that sound like they’re from a secret marketer language.But fear not. We've got your back. Here's a nifty guide to 35 terms you'll hear marketers casually drop in conversations. Let's make sure you're not just nodding along next time. 

  1. CTR (Click-Through Rate): Nope, not a new train line. It's the percentage of people who click on your content after seeing it.

  2. KPI (Key Performance Indicator): The VIP metrics that show how well you’re doing in specific areas.

  3. Lead Magnet: Something super irresistible you offer to get someone's contact details. Think free e-books or killer infographics.

  4. Evergreen Content: Like that old pine in your backyard, this content never gets old or outdated.

  5. Growth Hacking: Not a sinister as it sounds. It’s all about finding smarter, low-cost strategies to grow your business.

  6. BOFU: Bottom of the Funnel. The folks here are almost ready to buy or sign up. Close the deal!

  7. MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead): Someone who's shown a bit more interest than just visiting your website. They might’ve downloaded that free e-book!

  8. UGC (User-Generated Content): Free content from fans? Yes, please! It’s when your users provide the content for you, like photos or reviews.

  9. Remarketing: Ever feel like ads follow you? That's remarketing. It targets people who’ve visited your site but didn’t make a purchase.

  10. Lookalike Audience: A group of people who are eerily similar to your existing customers. Find 'em and market to 'em!

  11. Pain Points: Not a new massage technique. It’s the problems your product or service can solve for a customer.

  12. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Making your content Google-friendly to rank higher on search results.

  13. SERP (Search Engine Results Page): Where you appear on Google when someone searches.

  14. Viral: Nope, not the flu. It’s when your content gets shared like wildfire.

  15. Native Advertising: Ads that blend in with the content around them, usually seen in newsfeeds.

  16. Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who peace out from your site without exploring further.

  17. Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who take a desired action. Say, signing up for your newsletter.

  18. ROI (Return on Investment): A measure of what you get back from what you spend. You want this number looking good!

  19. Influencer: Not just someone with tons of Insta followers. Someone who can sway their audience's purchasing decisions.

  20. Affiliate Marketing: Promote a product, get a commission. Simple as that.

  21. Chatbots: Those automated chat responders on websites. Great for answering FAQs 24/7!

  22. Geotargeting: Targeting people based on their location. Handy for local promos!

  23. Funnel: The journey a customer takes from knowing about you to making a purchase.

  24. Freemium: Offering basic services for free and charging for advanced features. Think of your fave apps!

  25. A/B Testing: Comparing two versions to see which one performs better. Like having a taste test, but for content.

  26. Organic Reach: The number of people who see your content without paid distribution. Think of it as the good ol' word-of-mouth in the digital age.

  27. Pixel: Not a tiny dot on your screen! It’s a code snippet from platforms like Facebook, helping you track user activity and optimize ads.

  28. Churn Rate: No, it’s not about making butter. This term indicates the percentage of customers who stop using your service during a certain timeframe.

  29. Landing Page: A dedicated page designed with a singular focus, like getting sign-ups or downloads. It’s where your ads or links usually send visitors.

  30. Drip Campaign: A set of pre-determined emails sent out automatically at specific intervals. It 'drips' content gradually to nurture leads.

  31. Heatmap: A visual representation of where people click, move, or scroll on your site. The 'hotter' the area, the more activity it sees!

  32. Backlink: When another site links to yours. It’s like a digital thumbs-up, and search engines love it!

  33. Engagement Rate: A metric to see how actively users are interacting with your content. Likes, shares, comments – they all count.

  34. CTA (Call to Action): That enticing button or message urging visitors to take some action, like "Learn More" or "Grab the Deal."

  35. Omni-Channel: A multi-platform approach to sales. Whether in-store, online, or via social media, the experience is seamless for the customer.


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Happy learning. 


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