AMA - The Juice

AMA Edition: Got B2B questions? Get 'em answered


What’s up?

 We’re back at it with another AMA.

As you may have noticed, Please Advise was brought to you by our friends at The Juice this month.Don't fret…we're not selling you anything.

Instead, we're giving you the chance to connect with 3 experts at The Juice.

This is your chance to ask away. Nothing is off-limits.

Simply, head over to this page and submit your question(s). It's really that easy.

What kind of questions can I ask?

  • What’s the modern way to do B2B content marketing?

  • How do I chase quality connections with potential buyers vs the high quantity of leads that my boss wants? 

  • What’s a modern-day marketer and how do I become one?  

  • {insert your question here}

Who's answering the questions?

  • Jonathan Gandolf: CEO & Co-Founder: Jonathan is a left-brain marketer with a right-brain problem. While Jonathan’s experience and expertise are deeply rooted in data and analytics, he’s motivated by chasing and executing innovative ideas. 

  • Brett McGrath: VP of Marketing: With 12 years in the B2B saas industry in various marketing and leadership roles, Brett wakes up thinking about messaging + positioning, sales alignment, demand generation, and content creation. That’s the kind of guy you wanna throw some questions at?

  • Alaina Thompson: Growth Marketer: Alaina has years of experience as a digital account manager and growth marketing. Given how HOT growth marketing is right now, you’ll want to task Alaina with a few questions.

These folks cleared their afternoon schedules for this, so don't leave them hanging.<< ASK AWAY >>