When your customers ghost you...

Plus - How you can advertise on TV for cheap

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How to Keep Customers Loyal & Stop Them from Ghosting You

How do you keep customers loyal and stop the ones about to ghost you?

Easy—give them a surprise they didn’t even know they wanted, like Oprah with her “you get a car!” moment, but on a budget.

Try this:

  1. Identify loyal customers or those close to churning

  2. Send them an unexpected, personalized gift or offer

  3. Don't ask for anything in return

Example: "We noticed you've been with us for a year. Here's a $20 credit on us. Thanks for being awesome!"

In the wild: Chewy sends hand-painted portraits of pets to customers, creating viral moments. Look how stoked she is below.

Why it works: Because unexpected positive experiences create strong emotional connections and word-of-mouth marketing.

🤖 AI Prompt: Gift Ideas

Generate a list of personalized gift ideas or surprise offers that can be sent to loyal customers for my business that does [XYZ].

We’re pretty stoked on this Roku bit. Why?

Because TV advertising is changing. It’s not just for big budgets anymore. 📺💰

Roku Ads Manager is democratizing the TV ad space, giving growth marketers a seat on the couch next to the big players. Put us in coach!

Introducing Roku Ads Manager: CTV Ads Made Simple

We have entered a new era of TV advertising where the barriers to entry are lower than ever, and Roku Ads Manager is leading the charge. Growth marketers now have access to Roku’s audience reach in the US. with a self-service ad platform that’s built for performance. Roku powers 47% of all TV streaming time* in the US, so your brand can run ads alongside premium content and meet your audience where they’re already engaged. *Comscore CTV Report, 2024

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